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The 5-Day Detox helps you achieve healthy weight loss, without going on a diet.  I teach clients how to use green smoothies to jumpstart their weight loss and change their eating habits, which causes clients to crave healthier foods,  helps clear their minds, improve digestion and their overall health. 


The virtual price includes: full grocery list, 30 minute virtual assistance prepping, coaching for five days and instrucrions on how to do everything on your own.



Once clients have picked up all items, this is what they will need prior to the virtual meeting:


Pre steps

Slice 6 Apples

Label gallon freezer bags

Day 1 - add 1 apple & 1 handful of grapes

Day 2 - add 2 apples

Day 3 - add 1 apple

Day 4 - add 2 apples

Day 5 - one handful of grapes

Boil 8 eggs - peel 2

10 snack bags

Add 8-9 carrots to each bag.

5-Day Detox (Virtual Client Bundle)

  • Coffee or caffeine drinkers...

    PLEASE start now trying to wean yourself off of caffeine and coffee. We don't want to have those caffeine headaches, extreme fatigue or leg cramps!


    • Gradually reduce the amount of caffeinated beverages you drink over time.  Coffee drinkers, you can reduce the amount of cups you drink by 1/4 each day.  
    • If you drink energy drinks, cut back by half can each day!  
    • Please start increasing your water intake
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